My Process

With you every step of the way

Your journey is your own. I'll help you navigate life's many phases to leverage opportunities and avoid pitfalls, maintaining a laser focus on the long-term with you at the helm.



First, we learn about each other – what you can expect from me, and what I require of you. I not only craft tailored investment strategies, but also consider appropriate borrowing solutions as  an integral aspect of our holistic approach to addressing both the asset and liability side of your balance sheet.



When ready to implement, we utilize a world class and constantly improving product and technology platform to create your plan, put it into effect and follow its progress.



I will keep a close watch on market and economic developments that could impact your portfolios, report performance in a clear and consistent fashion, and build our service model around regularly scheduled meetings.




I will continually search for appropriate investment opportunities. By anticipating your needs as your life moves forward and rebalancing your portfolio regularly, together we will focus on making sure that your assets are always working toward your long-term goals.